Grab a Free Growth Mindset Escape Room for grades 4-8.


Growth Mindset TED Talks for Your Students

Your students can tackle any challenge that comes their way. Despite their resiliency, sometimes students (like adults) have a block when it comes to encountering adversity. This fixed mindset comes with negative self talk and an "I can't" mentality. As teachers, part of our job is to help students overcome obstacles and develop a growth mindset. Growth mindset is the idea that even if you can't do something yet, it is possible! These growth mindset TED Talks for Your Students will inspire your learners to say, "I can do it!"

Growth Mindset TED Talks

What Adults Can Learn from Kids

In 2010, then 12-year-old Adora Svitak shared a TED Talk that every kid and adult needs to hear. The world is often focused on what children can learn from the adults in their lives, however, kids can really make a difference. Adora starts her talk with big child names that made a difference like Anne Frank and Ruby Bridges. However, everyday kids can change the world when adults stop saying things are impossible and opening their own minds to a growth mindset. Kids are inherently curious and creative. Hold them to high expectations and let them create and find their passions.

The Power of Introverts

Chances are you have some introverts or shy students in your classroom. Often, being an introvert is seen as a character flaw. Bold, assertive extroverts are often the ones that seem to get the jobs, the promotions, and the accolades at school However, Susan Cain's TED Talk reminds students that being an introvert is powerful. Introverts shouldn't deny their intuitions and embracing their ideas is wonderful. Of course, it's always great to share ideas and collaborate, but there's nothing wrong with enjoying being alone. Help your students know that it's OK to share their "secret" talents and reach their goals, even if they aren't ones that everyone is shining the spotlight on.

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What Growth Mindset Means for Kids

Rebecca Chang was scared to run for her school's elementary student council after seeing her competition. Her fixed mindset told her she couldn't possibly compete, but with a little prodding from her mother, she turned her frustrations into success and learned about overcoming challenges and developing a growth mindset. Share her TEDx talk with your upper elementary students.

Maya Penn

This young entrepreneur started an eco-friendly clothing business at eight years old. Not only is she living her dream, she's also changing the world and opening up pathways for others. Too often, students are led to think that their goals are something that happens when they "grow up". Penn's talk reminds young people that they can fulfill their dreams at a young age.

The World Needs All Kinds of Minds

There is a good chance you've heard of this TED speaker, Temple Grandin, a woman who was diagnosed with autism at a young age and became the subject of an HBO movie. Grandin overcame her challenges and became an intellectual giant and advocate for animals. This talk helps normalize differences such as autism and teaches students that it's OK (in fact preferable) to be different!

Other Growth Mindset Activities...

Goal Setting

Start the year by having your students set goals. A common and effective goal setting method is using SMART goals! Have your students set goals that are the following:

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Attainable
  • Realistic
  • Timely

  • Make sure your students revisit the goals throughout the year and talk about steps to achieve them. Work with students to help them make a plan to reach their SMART goals!

    Growth Mindset Escape Room

    A digital escape room is a series of readings and clue that students go through to solve a puzzle. Escape rooms can be done independently, but they are even more fun when done in small groups for students to collaborate. One of my favorite escape rooms is this growth mindset escape room! Because it's digital and connects with Google Drive, you can assign it for distance learners as well! This particular escape room takes students on a journey through two 360° VIEW rooms! To begin, students decode facts and quotations from famous figures about growth mindset. These inspirational figures include Frida Kahlo, Taylor Swift, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson and Mahatma Gandhi. The Digital Escape Room includes 4 sets of activities, each with a reading and a quiz.
  • Cryptogram
  • Maze
  • Cipher
  • Jigsaw
  • This growth mindset escape room not only helps students think about overcoming obstacles, it also focuses on reading comprehension. Students must read the passages in order to solve the puzzles! Critical thinking and problem solving skills are at the forefront of this awesome activity. In addition, studying famous figures from history and modern times makes this growth mindset escape room and great social studies connection!
    How can you teach a growth mindset in your elementary or middle school classroom? Start with inspirational videos from adults and children, help your students set their own goals, and extend their learning with a growth mindset escape room! Growth mindset is all about overcoming adversity and believing that you CAN do it! Make sure to model that positivity in your classroom, and let your students know that it's OK to struggle. You've got this, and so do they!


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