
Back to School Doodle Pennants!
The Back to School Doodle Pennants are a great way to learn about your students and build community. Itโ€™s a fun, creative, colorful About Me activity! This is the perfect Back to School resource. You can use doodle pennants for bulletin board display, class signs, display student work at open house, classroom walls, classroom doors, hallway decor, school entrance, library, gym or for meet the parent night. The โ€œI AMโ€ and โ€œThis is meโ€ lined pennants are the perfect opportunity to allow students to tell you what they want you to know about them. They also could be used to compliment themselves!! Sometimes students have a hard time finding the good in them even though they are wonderful! These pennants allow them to build confidence by creating โ€œI AMโ€ statements. I AM smart, I AM funny, I AM a good swimmer etc. You can also create signs, titles or anything else with the letters. These pennants will pop and students and teachers will stop to admire your work!

This product includes:
6 recurring background doodle designs
Alphabet letters A-Z (white to draw in, write or color)
Alphabet letters A-Z with lines to write on
Back to School โ€œI AMโ€ pennants for students to color about themselves
Lined Back to School โ€œI AMโ€ pennants for students to compliment themselves
โ€œI AMโ€ pennants with the words I AM on each line
Lined Back to School โ€œThis is meโ€ pennants for students to show the teacher what they want them to know.
Back to School โ€œThis is meโ€ pennants for students to color about themselves
Back to School โ€œAbout Meโ€ pennants
Two sets of pennants with doodle background and blank frames
Lined: Two sets of pennants with doodle background and blank frames
Pennants with a banner at the top for names, titles or anything you want!

I love to allow my students to express themselves through color!!! There are so many possibilities with this resource!! You can even print a letter for each student based on their first name to color in and decorate. The end result is a fun, colorful display.

*Fill them in with positive affirmations to boost confidence
*Fill them with compliments of themselves (they are awesome and they need to know it!)
*Fill them in with subject notes
*Fill them in with growth mindset quotes or thoughts
*Welcome signs
*Write about their favorite person
*Draw a book scene
*Use them to relax before or after testing
*Early finisher fun
*Rewards (add a picture of the student to the pennant)

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