Endangered Species Color by Number, Reading Passage and Text Marking

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This Endangered Species Color by Number and Text Marking activity is the perfect way to bring life to the topic! Students read a non-fiction passage and search for answers while marking evidence from the text. Perfect reading comprehension supplement to keep students engaged in the lesson.

Number of Pages: 16 pages


This Endangered Species Color by Number and Text Marking activity is the perfect way to bring life to the topic! Students read a non-fiction passage and search for answers while marking evidence from the text. Perfect reading comprehension activity.


Topics include: endangered species, levels, IUCN Red List, causes, protection programs


Students complete a “before reading” anticipation guide, read about Endangered Species, answer questions, mark the text for evidence, color the picture according to their answer, and complete the “after reading” anticipation guide.


This is a great cross curriculum activity that also practices Language Arts skills and citing evidence. You can use this activity to assess prior knowledge. You can use this activity as a unit review. Lastly, you could use the student worksheet as a quiz or formative and then let them color as a reward! You choose what works best for you.


This is a fun, colorful activity that allows students to show mastery while relaxing, learning and coloring in their answers. This is also perfect for emergency sub plans! Hang the finished product in the hall for teachers and students to stop and admire.


What’s Included:

  • 1 Word design
  • 12 questions
  • 1 Reading Passage ( 2 pages – front/back)
  • 1 Anticipation Guide


What do you need?

  • Crayons, markers or colored pencils
  • The following colors will be used: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Brown, Purple

(all standard colors)


Click HERE to grab a F-R-E-E Color By Number activity!


»»» Thinktivity™ Reading Passages : Click HERE


»»» Comprehension Challenge and CSI Spy Mystery: Click HERE


»»» Printable ESCAPE ROOMS: Click HERE


»»» Text Marking Detective: Click HERE


»»» Scavenger Hunts: Click HERE


»»» Digital Secret Message Activities: Click HERE


»»» Puzzle Breakouts: Click HERE


»»» Interactive Google Slides™: Click HERE


»»» Digital ESCAPE ROOMS: Click HERE


»»» Color by Number – Text Marking: Click HERE


»»» Digital Reading Passages: Click HERE


»»» Task Card Review Games: Click HERE


»»» Interactive Game Boards: Click HERE


»»» Reading Passages and Text Marking: Click HERE


»»» Back to School: Click HERE


»»» Collaborative Posters: Click HERE


»»» Digital Interactive Notebooks: Click HERE


»»» Grades 3 and 4 Escape Rooms: Click HERE


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© Think Tank Teacher LLC. Please note – all material included in this resource belongs to Think Tank Teacher LLC. By purchasing, you have a license to use the material but you do not own the material. You may not upload any portion of this resource to the internet in any format, including school/personal websites or network drives unless the site is password protected and can only be accessed by students, not other teachers or anyone else on the internet.

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