Subtracting Fractions Escape Room | Unlike Denominators | Fraction Subtraction

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Number of Pages: 25 pages


Cure student boredom with this Subtracting Fractions ESCAPE ROOM! Allow students to master or practice their fraction subtraction with unlike denominator skills while solving puzzles and having fun. Your students will ENJOY every minute of โ€˜Fraction Subtraction with Unlike Denominatorsโ€™ practice and review! Some answers may require students to simplify the fraction. This engaging math activity gets your students up and moving while focusing on math standards and critical thinking skills. No PREP required and NO LOCKS needed. Just Print and Go, itโ€™s that easy!!

Transform your classroom into an unforgettable code-breaking adventure. This Escape Room has students walking around the classroom breaking codes and solving math problems. The use of secret codes will keep your students engaged from beginning to end while competing to find the final code.

Students will answer questions at each station, then use the decoder to determine the lock codes. There are 5 stations with 4 questions per station. Students WILL need scratch paper to work out each problem. The final station hosts the most difficult puzzle.

Whatโ€™s Included?

20 Math Problems Total (Multiple Choice)

5 Stations and Decoders

How to Decode Reference Sheet

Answer Key

Teacher Directions and Set Up

Options Based on Time Allotted

Student Recording Sheet

Signs to Hold Up

Play Options



Groups of 3-4

Use the Escape Room for:

โœ๏ธ Pre-Assessment

โœ๏ธ Group Stations

โœ๏ธ Unit Review

โœ๏ธ State Testing Review

โœ๏ธ Enrichment Activity

โœ๏ธ Teamwork Activity

โœ๏ธ Formative Assessment

โœ๏ธ Reward Activity

โœ๏ธ Fun Activity Before a Long Break

Please note: The questions and puzzles are not editable.

Your students MIGHT struggle the first time they see the codes!! Thatโ€™s OK, let them think it out for a bit before you help them. The final puzzle is the most challenging (this is on purpose).

How long does this activity take to complete?

It really depends on a lot of things. Estimated completion time is based on the studentsโ€™ math experience, decoding skills, critical thinking skills, age and group size. See the Options Page for ideas on how to best use this resource based on the time you have allotted. Some students may NOT escape and that is OK!! They still had fun while working on their math skills!

How many students can play at once?

As many as you want! Personally, I prefer to let them work on their own or with a partner, however, you can play in small groups as well! If you are working in small groups, please print a copy for each group. I do not suggest groups of more than 4.

How do I set up the Escape Room?

To set-up the escape room, you simply need to print and play! Itโ€™s that easy! Everything you need is included in your download. You donโ€™t need any locks, envelopes or special equipment. To extend the game experience, you can cut out the station cards and hide them around the room like a scavenger hunt.

Do I need locks, envelopes or special equipment?

NOT AT ALL! This was created to make your life easier! Of course, you can add locks if you want to add an element of fun, but they are certainly not required. You can also password protect a PDF with the final code for students to enter what they think is the final secret code.

What if my students get stuck on one of the decoders?

First off, let them think for a bit! This is where critical thinking skills come in. If you have a student truly struggling, show them the How To Reference Sheet. This will provide them with directions for each decoder. Please do NOT hang the Reference Sheet up or hand it out to all studentsโ€ฆthat takes away the element of fun and that special โ€œAHAโ€ moment.

Where do students start?

It does NOT matter the order in which they visit each station. I often tell my students to go to the station with the least students around it. Students will work at different paces, so some will still be solving the math problems while others are up and looking for the decoders.

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