Boston Massacre Thinktivity™ Reading Comprehension – American Revolution

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Boston Massacre Thinktivity™ Reading Comprehension – American Revolution

Perfect for grades 4-8!

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Number of Pages: 27 pages


Boston Massacre Thinktivity™ Reading Comprehension – American Revolution

The Boston Massacre Thinktivity™ is an engaging reading comprehension activity in which students “earn” robot parts as they complete each task. The reading passage provides a unique way to get students excited about learning about the Boston Massacre and the American Revolution. Students will LOVE every minute of this! A winning combination of nonfiction text, interactive components, and engaging activities.


Topics: Boston Massacre, Tea Act, Sons of Liberty, Parliament, British soldiers, John Adams

Students will need to read the passage multiple times searching for evidence for each of the 6 tasks. They will work individually (or in pairs) to color and build their robot. As students complete each task, they will earn a robot “part” to assemble at the end.


This Thinktivity™ can be used for individual work, partner activities, anticipatory sets, unit review, sub plans, station rotations, extension activities, early-finishers, or just for fun the day before break. How you choose to set it up in your classroom is up to you. You may choose to do one task per day or complete them all in a few class periods.



Task #1: Fill in the Blank

Task #2: Vocabulary

Task #3: Reader Response

Task #4: True or False

Task #5: Multiple Choice

Task #6: Hidden Message Word Search



✔️ Reading Passage

✔️ 6 Tasks

✔️ Student Directions

✔️ Teacher Answer Key

✔️ Teacher Directions

✔️ Robot Parts to Assemble (Small or Large)

✔️ Early Finisher or Extension Activity (summarize passage)

✔️ Certificate of Completion



✏️ Crayons, markers or color pencils

✏️ Scissors

✏️ Tape or glue

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